Milwaukee 2625-21 M18 18-Volt Hackzall Cordless One-Handed Reciprocating Saw Kit
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Milwaukee 2625-21 M18 18-Volt Hackzall Cordless One-Handed Reciprocating Saw Kit Read More
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Thanks for your visit our website. Hopefully you will satisfied with Milwaukee 2625-21 M18 18-Volt Hackzall Cordless One-Handed Reciprocating Saw Kit. You click to Milwaukee 2625-21 M18 18-Volt Hackzall Cordless One-Handed Reciprocating Saw Kit For Check prices here. You can Buy Milwaukee 2625-21 M18 18-Volt Hackzall Cordless One-Handed Reciprocating Saw Kit Online Store.
"Milwaukee 2625-21 M18 18-Volt Hackzall Cordless One-Handed Reciprocating Saw Kit" Feature
This versatile M18 Hackzall One-Handed Reciprocating Saw features a compact and lightweight design for superior control and easier overhead work. The powerful motor delivers 0-3000 strokes per minute, and a 3/4in. stroke length allows for fast cutting through a wide range of material such as wood, metal and PVC. Cordless: Yes, Volts: 18, Rated RPM: 3,000, Variable Speed: Yes, Stroke Length (in.): 3/4, Strokes Per Minute (SPM): 3,000, Tool Length (in.): 13, Tool Weight (lbs.): 4.1, Battery Included: Yes - 48-11-1828 battery, 48-59-1801 Charger Included: Yes, Case Included: Yes and a contractor bag

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